Table of Contents Ghostty Terminal Ghostty config location Shortcuts “Window Management” “Tab Management” “Font Size” “Configurations” “List Ghostty keybindings” Issues Aerospace Config location Shortcuts “Navigation” “Workspaces” “Layout” “Service Mode” Yazi Config location Shortcuts “Navigation” “Selection” “File Operations” “Copy paths” “Search” “Sorting” Lazyvim Config Location Shortcuts “Lazyvim” “Diagnostics” “General” “snacks.nvim” “LSP” “bufferline.nvim” “todo-comments.nvim” “markdown-preview.nvim” “Git” “Spelling” “Vim/Neovim” “Vim Modes” “Command Mode” “Arrows” “Movements within a line” “Sentence/Paragraph Movements” “Moving To Specific Lines” “Screen Related Cursor Movements” “Scrolling While Leaving Cursor In Place” “Deletion” “Undo & Redo” “Repeating a change” “Replacing & Deleting Characters” “Copy and Paste” “Changing Case” “Search/Replace” “Indentation” Tmux Config Location Shortcuts General Panes and Navigation Config Zen browser Shortcuts Homerow Shortcuts General Scrolling mode Raycast Shortcuts General ChatGPT Shortcuts General Personal Cheatsheet for the programs that I use the most.
Ghostty Terminal Ghostty config location Shortcuts “Window Management” Command Description cmd+` Quick Terminal cmd+n New Terminal cmd+q Quit Application
“Tab Management” Command Description cmd+t New tab cmd+w Close tab cmd+[1~8] Jump to another tab cmd+9 Jump to the last tab cmd+shift+[ Previous tab cmd+shift+] Next tab
“Font Size” Command Description cmd++ Increase font size cmd+- Decrease font size cmd+0 Reset text size
“Configurations” Command Description cmd+, Open Config cmd+shift+, Reload config
“List Ghostty keybindings” Issues Issues with Ghostty Tabs and quick Terminal while using Aerospace,
for both to work correctly:
The fix is to set the Ghostty Terminal in aerospace to floating,
Then once you open Ghostty hit
to enter config mode followed by f .
This will now “unfloat” the Ghostty Terminal.
Doing this will also fix the Tabs issues with aerospace.
Aerospace Config location ~/.config/aerospace/aerospace.toml
Shortcuts “Navigation” Command Description alt-number or letter Changing to different workspaces alt-h ‘focus left’ alt-j ‘focus down’ alt-k ‘focus up’ alt-l ‘focus right’ alt-tab ’navigate through apps'
“Workspaces” Command Description alt-[1~5] Top Monitor alt-[6~9] Bottom Monitor alt-b Browsers alt-c Chat alt-e Finder alt-m Music alt-n Notes alt-p iPhone Mirroring alt-t Terminal
“Layout” Command Description alt-slash ’layout tiles horizontal vertical' alt-comma ’layout accordion horizontal vertical' alt-shift-h ‘move App left’ alt-shift-j ‘move App down’ alt-shift-k ‘move App up’ alt-shift-l ‘move App right’ alt-shift-workspace number or letter ‘move App to another workspace’
“Service Mode” Command Description alt-shift-semicolon ‘mode service’ alt-shift-semicolon => esc ‘reload config’ alt-shift-semicolon => f ‘change layout to floating or tiling’ alt-shift-semicolon => backspace ‘close all windows but current’
Yazi Config location Documentation for shortcuts
Shortcuts “Navigation” Command Description h Leave the current directory and into its parent j Move the cursor down k Move the cursor up l Enter hovered directory K Seek up 5 units in the preview J Seek down 5 units in the preview g=>g Move cursor to the top G Move cursor to the bottom z Jump to directory using zoxide Z Jump to a directory or reveal a file using fzf
“Selection” Command Description Space Select single files/dir ctrl-a Select all files/dir ctrl-r Inverse selection of all files/dir esc Cancel
“File Operations” Command Description o or enter Open selected files O Open selected files interactively tab Show file information y Yank selected files (copy) x Yank selected files (cut) p Paste yanked files P Paste yanked files (Overwrite files if they exists) d Trash selected files D Permanently Delete selected files a Create a file (ends with / for directories) r Rename selected files . Toggle the visibility of hidden files
“Copy paths” Command Description c=>c Copy the file path c=>d Copy the directory path c=>f Copy the filename
“Search” Command Description s Search files by name using fd S Search files by content using ripgrep ctrl+s Cancel the search
“Sorting” Command Description ,=>a Sort Alphabetically ,=>A Sort Alphabetically reversed ,=>m Sort by modified time ,=>M Sort by modified time reversed
Config Location Shortcuts “Lazyvim” “Diagnostics” Command Description :checkhealth Check the health of lazyvim :Mason Check or update LSPs
“General” Command Description Space Leader key space+bb Switch to other buffer space+bd Delete buffer space+bo Delete Other Buffers n Next Search Result N Prev Search Result Ctrl+s Save file gco Add Comment Below gcO Add Comment Above space+l Lazy space+fn New file space+xl Location List space+xq Quickfix List [q Previous Quickfix ]q Next Quickfix space+cf Format [e Previous Error ]e Next Error [w Previous Warning ]w Next Warning space+uf Toggle Auto format(Global) space+uF Toggle Auto format(Buffer) space+fT Terminal (cwd) space+ft Terminal (root dir) ctrl+/ Terminal (root dir) space+- Split window below space+| Split window Right space+wd Delete Window
“snacks.nvim” Command Description space+space Find Files (Root Dir) space+, Buffers space+/ Grep (Root Dir) space+: Command History space+fb Buffers space+fB Buffers (all) space+fc Find Config File space+ff Find Files (Root Dir) space+fF Find Files (cwd) space+fg Find Files (git-files) space+fp Projects space+fr Recent space+fR Recent (cwd) space+gc Git Log space+gd Git Diff (hunks) space+gs Git Status space+gS Git Stash space+n Notification History space+s" Registers space+s/ Search History space+sa Autocmds space+sb Buffer Lines space+sB Grep Open Buffers space+sc Command History space+sC Commands space+sd Diagnostics space+sD Buffer Diagnostics space+sg Grep (Root Dir) space+sG Grep (cwd) space+sh Help Pages space+sH Highlights space+si Icons space+sj Jumps space+sk Keymaps space+sl Location List space+sm Marks space+sM Man Pages space+sp Search for Plugin Spec space+sq Quickfix List space+sr Search and replace space+sR Resume space+su Undotree space+sw Visual selection or word (Root Dir) space+sW Visual selection or word (cwd) space+uC Colorschemes
“LSP” Command Description space+cl Lsp Info gd Goto Definition gr References gI Goto Implementation gy Goto T[y]pe Definition gD Goto Declaration K Hover gK Signature Help c-k Signature Help space+ca Code Action n, space+cc Run Codelens n, space+cC Refresh & Display Codelens space+cR Rename File space+cr Rename space+cA Source Action ]] Next Reference [[ Prev Reference a-n Next Reference a-p Prev Reference
“bufferline.nvim” Command Description space+bl Delete Buffers to the Left space+bp Toggle Pin space+bP Delete Non-Pinned Buffers space+br Delete Buffers to the Right [b Prev Buffer [B Move buffer prev ]b Next Buffer ]B Move buffer next S-h Prev Buffer S-l Next Buffer
Command Description space+st Todo space+sT Todo/Fix/Fixme
“markdown-preview.nvim” Command Description space+cp Markdown preview
“Git” Command Description space+gg Open lazygit space+gc Commits space+gl Git Log space+gs Git Status space+gb Git Blame Line space+gB Git Browser Open
“Spelling” Command Description z+= Spelling suggestions ]s Go to next spelling error [s Go to previous spelling error
“Vim/Neovim” “Vim Modes” Command Description i Insert mode a Insert mode after the cursor A Insert mode at the end of the line o Open a new line below the cursor O Open a new line above the cursor v Visual mode ctrl+v Visual mode Multiline : Command line mode R Replace mode esc Go back to normal mode
“Command Mode” Command Description :w or ctrl+s Write (Save) file :wa Write (Save) all file :q! Quit and discard changes :wq or :x or ZZ Quit and save changes :wqa Write and Quit on all open files :e filename Create a new file in the current dir
“Arrows” Command Description h left j down k up l right
“Movements within a line” Command Description $ Move cursor to the end of the line 0 Move cursor to the beginning of the line ^ Move cursor to first non-blank character in line fx Find next occurrence of character ‘x’ Fx Find previous occurrence of character ‘x’ tx Go towards next occurrence of character ‘x’ (stops right before it) Tx Go towards previous occurence of character ‘x’ (stops right before it) ; Repeat previous f, F, t, or T movement forwards , Repeat previous f, F, t, or T movement backwards
“Word Movements” Command Description w Move cursor forwards to start of word (sequence of letters, digits, underscores OR sequence of other symbols) W Move cursor forwards to start of WORD (any sequence of non-blank characters) b Move cursor backwards to start of word (sequence of letters, digits, underscores OR sequence of other symbols) B Move cursor backwards to start of WORD (any sequence of non-blank characters) e Move cursor forwards to end of word (sequence of letters, digits, underscores OR sequence of other symbols) E Move cursor forwards to end of WORD (any sequence of non-blank characters) ge Move cursor backwards to end of word (sequence of letters, digits, underscores OR sequence of other symbols) gE Move cursor backwards to end of WORD (any sequence of non-blank characters)
“Sentence/Paragraph Movements” Command Description ) Move cursor to next sentence ( Move cursor to previous sentence } Move cursor to next paragraph (block of consecutive non-empty lines) { Move cursor to previous paragraph (block of consecutive non-empty lines)
“Moving To Specific Lines” Command Description gg Move cursor to first line of document G Move cursor to last line of document {number}G Move cursor to line {number} {number}j Go {number} lines down {number}k Go {number} lines up H Move cursor to line at the top of the window M Move cursor to the line at the middle of the window L Move cursor to the line at the bottom of the window
Command Description Ctrl-F Move cursor forwards one full screen Ctrl-B Move cursor backwards one full screen Ctrl-D Move cursor down half a screen Ctrl-U Move cursor up half a screen
Command Description zz Place current cursor line in the middle of the window zt Place current cursor line at the top of the window zb Place current cursor line at the bottom of the window Ctrl-E Scroll down a single line, leaving cursor in place Ctrl-Y Scroll up a single line, leaving cursor in place
“Deletion” Command Description d{motion} Delete the text that the {motion} command moves over and copy into register. dd Delete whole current line and copy into register. D Delete from under the cursor to the end of the line and copy into register. dw Delete from cursors current position to start of next word de Delete from cursors current position to end of word dG Delete from cursors current position to end of file d]} Delete from cursors current position to next unmatched } 2dd Delete whole line under cursor and line below it. c{motion} Delete the text that the {motion} command moves over, copy into register and enter insert mode. cc Delete whole current line, copy into register and enter insert mode. C Delete from under the cursor to the end of the line, copy into register and enter insert mode. diw Delete word that cursor is in, keeping surrounding whitespace (Think: delete inside word) daw Delete word that cursor is in as well as surrounding whitespace (Think: delete around word) di( Delete everything within parenthesis surrounding cursor, keeping the surrounding parenthesis (Think: delete inside parenthesis) da( Delete everything within parenthesis surrounding cursor as well as the surrounding parenthesis (Think: delete around parenthesis) di" Delete everything within double quotes surrounding cursor, keeping the surrounding double quotes (Think: delete inside double quotes) da" Delete everything within double quotes surrounding cursor as well as the surrounding double quotes (Think: delete around double quotes) dit" Delete everything within tags surrounding cursor, keeping the surrounding tags (Think: delete inside tags) dat Delete everything within tags surrounding cursor as well as the surrounding tags (Think: delete around tags)
“Undo & Redo” Command Description u Undo last change Ctrl-R Redo changes that have been undone with “u”
“Repeating a change” Command Description . Repeat the last change you made to the file {number}. Repeat the last change you made to the file {number} amount of times
“Replacing & Deleting Characters” Command Description r{character} Replace current character under cursor with {character} R Enter replace mode and start replacing characters by typing until ESC is pressed x Delete current character under the cursor and copy into register
“Copy and Paste” Command Description y{motion} Yank or copy text that the motion command moves over into register yy Yank or copy whole current line into register Y Yank or copy from under the cursor to the end of the line into register p Put or paste the text found in register (register x) after the cursor P Put or paste the text found in register (register x) before the cursor
“Changing Case” Command Description ~ Switch case of character under cursor and move cursor to the right ~{motion} Switch the case of the text that the {motion} command moves over gu{motion} Change the text that the {motion} command moves over to lowercase guu Make whole current line lower case gU{motion} Change the text that the {motion} command moves over to uppercase gUU Make whole current line upper case
“Search/Replace” Command Description :%s/old/new/g Replace all occurrences of old with new in whole file :%s/old/new/gc Replace all occurrences of old with new in whole file, asking for confirmation :%s/old/new/gi Replace all occurrences of old with new in whole file, ignoring case
“Indentation” Command Description » Indent whole current line to the right
Tmux Config Location Shortcuts General Command Description Ctrl+space=>d Detach from session Ctrl+space=>f Session Manager Ctrl+space=>s Show all sessions Ctrl+space=>w Session and Window Preview Ctrl+space=>( Move to previous session Ctrl+space=>) Move to Next session Ctrl+space=>c Create Window Ctrl+space=>w List Windows Ctrl+space=>n Next Window Ctrl+space=>0~9 Switch/select window by number Ctrl+space=>[ Enter vi mode
Panes and Navigation Command Description Ctrl+space=>| Split windows horizontal Ctrl+space=>- Split windows vertical Ctrl+h Navigate to the left pane Ctrl+j Navigate to the bottom pane Ctrl+k Navigate to the top pane Ctrl+l Navigate to the right pane Ctrl+space=>h Resize pane left Ctrl+space=>j Resize pane Down Ctrl+space=>k Resize pane Up Ctrl+space=>l Resize pane Right Ctrl+space=>m Focus on one pane
Config Command Description Ctrl+space=>r Reload configurations Ctrl+space=>: Enter command mode Ctrl+space=>? List Keybindings Ctrl+space=>I Reload or install plugins
Zen browser Shortcuts Command Description Option+Cmd+c Toggle Compact Mode Option+Cmd+t New tab Option+Cmd+n New Window Option+Cmd+w Close Tab Cmd+r Reload page Shift+Cmd+h Go to history Cmd+k Focus Search Option+Cmd+f Find on Page Cmd+d Bookmark this page Shift+Cmd+c Copy current URL Ctrl+x Toggle AI Chatbot Sidebar Cmd+j Open Downloads
Homerow Shortcuts General Command Description Cmd+Shift+Space UI click activation through shortcuts Esc Esc
Command Description Cmd+Shift+j Activate scrolling mode Scrolling-mode=>[j,k] Scroll up and down Scrolling-mode=>Tab or Ctrl+n Next scroll Area Scrolling-mode=>Shift+Tab or Ctrl+p Previous scroll Area
Raycast Raycast Manual
Shortcuts General Command Description Cmd+space Open Raycast Cmd+space=>sf Search files Cmd+[ Go Back one Cmd+] Go Forward one Cmd+space=>Cmd+k Action Panal Cmd+space=>My Schedule Check your schedule through calandar app Cmd+space=>Store Raycast Store Cmd+space=>Snippet Search and create snippets
ChatGPT Shortcuts General Command Description Alt+Space Quick Access to ChatGPT